Welcome to the SCAA!

The SCAA is a non-profit organization, entirely self-supporting and created to unite emerging and established, professional and amateur artists alike in St Catharines and the surrounding area.

Be sure to check our NOTICEBOARD for a wide variety of Announcements and Promotions about our Members and Art-related Opportunities.

Need a Membership Application? You can download it from the MEMBERSHIP page, or find it under 'About' in the top menu.

Important reminder for the MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY on the website:
Send your profile for the members' pages to info@stcatharinesart.com. If you have paid the $10 website fee for this year, you may submit up to 10 photos of your work (including all of the relevant information) as well as your bio. The sooner you send those in, the sooner your art will start to make an appearance in the opening slideshow, a great way to welcome each visitor to our site.

Also do come back often to see what is trending in our local art scene on the EVENTS page and members are encouraged to share photos from past events to info@stcatharinesart.com so you may see our community in action on our GALLERY and EVENTS pages.

Upcoming ...