An Introduction to Funding Opportunities with Danny Custodio

Local photo-based artist Danny Custodio will introduce us to funding
opportunities to create and display your work. Custodio will share his
experience with applying for grants through the Cultural Investment
Program - St. Catharines, Ontario Arts Council, and Canada Council for
the Arts. Find out ways to support your art practice with a creation
grant or exhibition assistance grant.

Danny Custodio is a practicing mid-career photo-based artist born in
Toronto, ON now based in St. Catharines. His artistic work is about
understanding and exploring cultural traditions, from the centrality of
immigrant manual labour to faith-based cultural practices through the
lens of a first-generation Canadian born to an immigrant family, and
how those cultural traditions can be adapted and re-created outside of
their regional specificity. His work is a unique glimpse into the personal
and artistic processes of incorporating family connection and cultural
heritage into a life in Canada.