This will be our second year of exhibiting in February at the Rosberg Gallery open to all SCAA members.
We'll keep the guidelines and dates for OUR SCAA Exhibit straightforward.
There are specific entry and takedown times, that need to be adhered to.
The dates you need to know:
February 1, 2025 Exhibit setup 11 am to 12 Noon
Delivery of Art 11 am
Art entrees are to be delivered during this time. (Sending them with a friend is fine as long as the $20 submission fees is taken care of.)
February 28, 2025 Takedown 10 am to 11 am.
No Artwork can be left at Rosberg, if you can't collect it yourself, authorize a friend to do pickup.
The Rosberg Gallery is located at the Victoria Avenue location of the Niagara Falls Public Library, 4848 Victoria Avenue, Niagara Falls, (905) 356-8080
Monday to Thursday open 9 am to 8 pm, Friday open 9am to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday open 11am to 3pm
(There are occasionally meetings underway in Rosberg, so check availability.)
There is a master form that we must complete for the Library, for Insurance purposes. This form was due January 25th but we still have display spots open in the Exhibit for members, so it will be submitted January 30th (with a request for forgiveness for being late).
We are hoping members will help us fill all Exhibit spots today, January 28th. We've worked on a "first come first served" basis and a single entry for each participating member. We'll assess how many spots we may have open, and send an invitation tomorrow morning, January 29th, to registered exhibitors only, allowing them an additional display piece, first come first served, with no additional entry fee. This is to ensure that we have a complete Exhibit.
We made the registration process very straightforward with a requirement that an simple email be sent to:
Attention "David/Rosberg"
include: your name, the Title of your Artwork, Medium, exterior dimensions and the price you are placing on that specific piece on this occasion, and last but not least where a potential buyer can reach you (either your email address or your phone number).
Emails confirming ""Entry Received" were forwarded. A few entries were sent without this REQUIRED INFORMATION. If the information is not provided (for insurance purposes) by January 29th, it will be void. (A master sheet will be available to check at the January 28th meeting.)
In the initial newsletter it was noted that: "One entry each, will be received on a first come first served basis (maximum 30). When you come to the Exhibit Setup on February 1st a $20 hanging fee willl be assessed that you can bring at that time. The SCAA Treasurer will be present both at tonight's meeting and the February 1st Art intake, to receive the $20 Entry fees.
We were very thankful that we had a volunteer to lead the Art hanging group, but they had an accident making that not possible. Janice Low will step into that role but could use 1 or 2 assistants. Consider it a Curator experience.
If you need assistance with Exhibit Entry you can contact David by phone, 289-697-6970.
All submitted artwork MUST be properly wired for hanging. This is not a volunteer responsibility. Once artwork is dropped off, we ask that you leave the venue so the hanging group can proceed with that important work.
Last Minute Details:
Janice will be coordinating our intake at 11 a.m. tomorrow, February 1st. She wanted me to remind members that there is a large (no parking fee) parking lot at the back of the Main Niagara Library where the Rosberg Gallery is located. For those more in tune with directions that's the East side of the building.
Finished name display cards have been produced for each piece of art, from the information forwarded to us by participants. This will help provide a coordinated look to the overall Exhibit. Entrants should check their cards upon arrival, to ensure that we have the details correct. If any contain errors, there will be a limited number of blank Exhibit cards where you can fill out your own details.
(If need be, sending your artwork with a friend is fine, as long as the $20 submission fee is provided to SCAA Treasurer, Tamara, on checkin !). Exhibit setup will be 11 am to 12 Noon. These are the times that organizers have volunteered for, and we can't guarantee acceptance of work outside of this time frame. Also, All submitted artwork MUST be properly wired for hanging. This is not a volunteer responsibility. Once artwork is dropped off, we ask that you leave the venue, so the hanging group can proceed with that important work.
There is a master sign in sheet and we ask that all participating members initial beside the price they have indicated for their work. There are several NFS pieces (Not for Sale) which I think is very wholesome in a broad membership Exhibit of artworks. Please initial beside those ones as well.
When the Exhibit ends on February 28th we ask that you initial the master sheet again, to indicate the return of your work to you (if unsold).
Click link below to see promotion of our event: